You want to make a difference?

How we can help you as a contributor to corporate and social responsibility

Here is how you can help our project and boost your CSR efforts in one go.

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Article26's unique strategy involves offering internationally certified e-learning and skills-based coaching delivered by qualified trainers at zero cost, with a significant reliance on supporters who align with our vision.

Social responsibility is more than a buzz word for us

Article26 is looking for contributors to support the joint implementation of professional career development cooperation projects in the African region.

Article26 is a non-profit initiative based in Germany. Our driving force is Maxpert GmbH, an accredited training company in Germany. Education is a human right - not a privilege. Access to education is not equally distributed around the world. We see this as a problem and believe that we have a social responsibility to share our accumulated knowledge through training. In line with our commitment to corporate social responsibility, Article26 aims to make a significant impact on social development by ensuring access to education worldwide.

Our personal sponsoring and partner hall of fame - we'd love to add you here

Why your contribution makes a difference:

Our aim is to drive the development of project, product and IT service management skills required for Africa's digital transformation. We are preparing Africa's change-makers to contribute to sustainable economic development in their countries.

To achieve these goals, we aim to partner with educational institutions to improve the skills and job prospects of local talent. We believe that sustainable change can only happen as a collective effort.

Article26 is therefore interested in working with companies on career development training programmes that are in line with:

  • Article26’s Mission & Goals
  • Your Country’s National Skills Development & Employment Strategy
  • Your Corporate Social Responsibilities
  • Training your future employees

Supporting Article26's mission contributes to a significant reduction in environmental impact, improves social and environmental performance and promotes positive social and environmental impact, embodying the essence of corporate social responsibility in action.

Our goal is to collaborate with educational institutions in enhancing the skills and employment opportunities for local talent. We strongly advocate that lasting change can only be achieved through collective endeavor.

This is how you can contribute with socially responsible business practices:

Article26's exclusive approach includes providing internationally certified e-learning and skills-based coaching from qualified trainers at no cost, but we rely heavily on supporters who share our vision.

When our marketplace goes live, you will be contributing to Article26 by purchasing one of our e-learning courses, enabling young change-makers from our partners in Rwanda to access our learning platform, study our training courses and fund their education.

How you make a difference:

  • Promote lifelong learning opportunities
  • Reduce developing countries' dependence on developed countries and their know-how
  • Helping to ensure that education is no longer a privilege but a human right
  • Making vocational training accessible around the world, thereby having a positive impact on local communities by supporting their economic growth and addressing societal issues.
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Your support aids in financing your CSR compliance policy, highlighting the significance of CSR initiatives in bolstering brand image, enticing fresh clientele, and ultimately advancing sustainability, environmental stewardship, and the economic prosperity of communities. These efforts can be jointly promoted through various channels.

Experience the difference: Corporate Social Responsibility Benefits that help your business succeed

  • Your contribution helps to fund your CSR compliance policy, emphasizing the importance of CSR practices in enhancing brand perception, attracting new customers, and ultimately contributing to sustainability, environmental responsibility, and the economic development of communities, which we can promote together via several channels.
  • Inclusion in a vibrant community of content contributors, facilitating networking and collaboration opportunities
  • Regular feedback and performance evaluations to support continuous improvement
  • Appreciation events or ceremonies to recognize contributors’ efforts and achievements
  • Access to a platform or online repository of resources and best practices for ongoing learning and inspiration
  • Opportunities to attend seminars, conferences or industry events relevant to E-Learning and changemaking.

Being recognized as part of socially responsible companies through contributions to Article26 aligns with the values of consumers and investors, particularly millennials and Generation Z, who prefer products and services from businesses that showcase pro-social initiatives.

Being acknowledged as socially responsible entities for their support of nonprofit organizations like Article26 resonates with the principles of both consumers and investors, especially millennials and Generation Z. These demographics tend to favor products and services offered by companies that actively engage in pro-social endeavors.

Benefits for you and your staff:

Increase staff retention: Professional development can help increase employees' confidence in their work. Greater confidence, in turn, leads to higher overall job satisfaction, employee performance, productivity and morale. 

Attract better talents: Attracting and retaining talented employees can be difficult. Offering training opportunities can help employers fill vacancies and attract and retain qualified employees. Employers who offer these benefits are more likely to attract potential employees who are interested in striving for excellence and developing themselves.

Keep up to date: Industry trends change quickly and it is important for companies to keep up with the times. Continuous professional development can prevent potential stagnation by maintaining - and improving - employees' skills, as well as loss of engagement in the workplace.

Your support funds your CSR policy, highlighting the role of corporate social responsibility  in improving brand perception, attracting customers, and promoting sustainability, environmental responsibility, and community development through various channels.

Want to provide content?

If you not only want to purchase but also provide content, please see our criterias:

  • You have a strong expertise in the field of education, providing best practices and innovative solutions tailored to specific areas such as adult learning
  • Keeping your e-learning up to date is your top priority, ensuring that users receive the latest and most relevant information in areas like artificial intelligence, sustainability, or digital marketing. This includes fostering ethical behavior, highlighting the importance of ethics in delivering content that not only educates but also promotes corporate social responsibility and ethical standards across various industries.
  • Your content is practical and impactful, demonstrated through compelling case studies or experience reports that showcase the real-world application of knowledge in field like project management, leadership development, or financial literacy.
Get in touch
We aspire to forge partnerships with educational institutions, aiming to enhance the skills and abilities of individuals within our local community. By collaborating closely with these institutions, our goal is to bolster the prospects of employment for talented individuals, thereby contributing to the growth and prosperity of our region.

What do we want to do in local communities?

We want to team up with educational institutions to improve capacities and increase job prospects for local talents.

We want to achieve Sustainable Development Goals:

  • No 4 Quality Education
  • No 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • No 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • No 17 Partnerships for the Goals

By integrating responsible business operations into our strategy, we aim to eliminate negative impacts and support community development, directly contributing to the achievement of these Sustainable Development Goals.

Why your CSR efforts matter

In today's corporate landscape, embracing corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives is paramount for socially responsible business operations. This is underlined by the new EU directive on corporate sustainability reporting, known as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which came into force on 5 January 2023. By integrating sustainable practices into their CSR efforts, companies can positively impact local communities while minimizing their environmental footprint. Through CSR programs and initiatives, socially responsible companies prioritize social and environmental performance, aligning their business strategies with societal expectations. These efforts encompass ethical responsibility, fair trade practices, and ethical labor practices, ultimately contributing to a competitive advantage. Moreover, through corporate philanthropy and sponsoring local events, businesses engage in meaningful ways, promoting societal well-being and economic responsibility. By embracing CSR in a socially responsible way, companies benefit society, reduce their carbon footprint, and support sustainable development, all while ensuring the well-being of their employees and the environment.

How to connect with us

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